Thursday, March 18, 2010

Qualcomm plans to deploy LTE in India & to Bid In India Wireless Broadband Spectrum Auction

We are very pleased to participate in this process and now that the process has started. We have applied to participate in the broadband wireless access auction in 2.3 gigabytes. There is a specific technology called LTE that we have. This technology lies on top of the 3G networks that are already deployed in India or will be deployed after the auction.

We as a technology provider have come in to accelerate the deployment of broadband not just for 3G with 3G operators already in the mix but to create a future path for 3G networks to evolve in complimentary ways.

Money Control

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Motorola 2033 Phone capture memories directly from user’s brain

The 2033 concept would allow for the device to capture memories directly from the user’s brain, through a process Motorola calls "organic memory capture". And if that wasn't enough, the 2033 concept would also allow users' to completely augment their eyesight through a process called Second Sight.

>> Communication could be ambient, always on and people could live online
>> Computers and mobile devices could be embedded in the ordinary
>> "Using Software" could vanish; only interface and human interaction would remain
>> Device interaction could become natural, predictive and fluid so people could be free to relax
>> Molecular manufacturing could revolutionize production
>> Technology could outpace the brain’s ability to absorb, intelligent 'agents' filter
>> Objects could access 'The Cloud' at will


LTE Handset Expected Mid of 2011

Verizon, AT&T and over three dozen other wireless companies have signed on to the Voice over LTE initiative, expected to speed deployment of Long Term Evolution phones.

The network is currently being trialed in Boston and Seattle. Based on the trials, the network is capable of peak download speeds of 40 to 50Mbps and peak upload speeds of 20 to 25Mbps. The tests have also demonstrated average LTE data rates of 5-12 Mbps on the downlink and 2-5 Mbps on the uplink.

"Handsets are coming faster than we anticipated," he said. Ericsson is supplying infrastructure for many LTE networks, including Verizon's.

By W. David Gardner
by Jennifer Johnson